Four of Nosler's Cartridges, the .26 Nosler, .28 Nosler, .30 Nosler, and .33 Nosler, are based on the same .300 Remington Ultra Magnum[6] parent case. Double checked my info and I can confirm its correct. People who have actually shot a .50BMG usually report mild recoil similar to a .308 Winchester. How much longer depends on a number of things, including barrel quality and whether a barrel is regularly cleaned and serviced or abused by its owner. Often three shots would cluster in a single ragged hole that was easily under .5 inch, but twice the fourth round opened the group to around .75 inch, which was shooter error. there is a ton of ppl that would love that info. A Leupold VX-6 2-12x 42mm CDS-ZL variable scope was installed. However, you will be able to take that large game over a variety of distances. Its more of a push. If you had to choose from left-handed choice, what would be good, better, best picks? When fired from a cartridge with ballistics similar to the .33 Nosler, low-drag .338 bullets often better many smaller magnums. Im specifically comparing 7prc, 6.8 western, and 277 fury. The Nosler case, however, is strengthened, and like other Nosler cartridges, it is designed with an overall length that allows it to function in standard .30-06 length actions. Introduced in 2016, the .30 Nosler is a SAAMI approved and standardized cartridge. The 33 Nosler is SAAMI approved and will be supported with . Great info. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. and even bests the .340 Wby. Smaller-framed or young shooters generally consider the cartridge as having high recoil, but its recoil is manageable for experienced large-framed shooters to be able to shoot it regularly. 567. It features a 30mm main tube and 6x optical zoom. Well, no one needs oneit has been proven over and over again that one can just about hunt the world with a .270 or a .30-06 with good bullets so long as we arent going after the bigger half of the big five. . Jim I heard on one of your videos that you were going to upgrade your kids rifle. [2], The .26 Nosler (6.566mmRB) is a rebated-rim centerfire rifle cartridge designed by Nosler and first announced in November 2013. It is claimed that the .22 Nosler delivers 25% more case capacity and is nearly 90m/s (300ft/s) faster than a .223 Remington/ 5.56 NATO. [16] The .33 Nosler is built on the same action length as the .338 Winchester Magnum but launches projectiles at a higher velocity. Some people look at the recoil energy of a 50BMG and think they will be KILLED by 83.17 ft-lbs of free recoil energy; however, the 50BMG is a physically heavy gun (usually over 30 lbs), so the recoil moves slowly (also because of the muzzle brake). The .26 Nosler is designed as a modern 6.5mm cartridge, using recent advances in firearm technology to attain exceptionally high muzzle velocities, up to 1,040m/s (3,400ft/s), and maintain an extremely flat trajectory. Without a muzzle brake, the .33 is no fun at all to shoot from the bench or prone, though its manageable in field positions and youd likely never notice the recoil with a big bull in your crosshairs. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. The .22 Nosler is a .22-caliber (.224in; 5.6mm), rebated-rim centerfire rifle cartridge designed by Nosler. I watch your videos, get stoked about a cool products, like the 2020 waypoint, then research it for a lefty an Nope!, not available. Nosler. Respective similarities between the .333 O.K.H. I do NOT recommend muzzle brakes for youth shooters because the loudness scares them more than the recoileven with hearing protection on. In 2014 Nosler introduced the flat-shooting .26 Nosler, following it up in 2015 with the .28 Nosler (7mm) that was based on the .26 case but necked accordingly. Thank you for your hard workvery much appreciated. Feeding, firing and case extraction were flawless. The Model 48 Patriot rifle used to evaluate the new .33 Nosler cartridge features twin locking lugs, a smooth 90-degree bolt lift, fluted bolt body and swept bolt handle for easy cycling. Also, how hard would it be to add a 12 and 20 gauge sabot slug to the work? [5][9], The high velocity of the .26 Nosler cartridge has raised concerns about excessive barrel wear, potentially wearing down barrels at a rate faster than that of the similar .264 Winchester Magnum, which itself has a reputation for being a "barrel burner". The .26 and .28 Noslers share the same case dimensions except for the neck being sized to accept respective bullet diameters, but the .30 Nosler case has the shoulder datum moved back to a shorter dimension. One item I remain curious about is where the 12 gauge shotgun cartridge fits. Thanks a million for your time and unbiased information, Im curious Jim. The Younger Generation Not So Much . I hunted sheep in Alaska this fall and Ill admit that my little Kimber .308 felt pretty small when we were stepping over grizzly tracks in the alder-choked river bottoms. I am interested in this, but your cartridge column seems to have values for velocity (fps), muzzle energy. The .30-06 cartridge has a strong but not particularly sharp recoil. Get Special Offers Delivered Right to Your Inbox. By the time the guide sat down and got into position with his rather rusty and heavily worn Ruger M77RS .338 Winchester Magnum rifle, the 1,700-pound bull had crossed the river and was beyond 500 yards, with its long legs rapidly increasing that distance. Just recognize that its going to push you a loteven though it wont be painful. The name .26 Nosler refers to the first two digits in the caliber (0.264in; 6.7mm) of the bullets that the cartridge fires and the name of the company which created it. It is a push-feed system with a countersunk bolt face, rotating extractor and plunger ejector. The bulk you just have to resize and check length before you load . The .33 Nosler shares the same overall cartridge length 84.8mm (3.340in) as the .26 Nosler, the .28 Nosler, and the .30 Nosler, which allows it to be chambered in standard-length action firearms. 350 legend. In golf, there is a sayingif you have to hit the best shot of your life with the club in your hand to make the have the wrong club in your hand( in other words it is most likely not gonna be a good shot so dont take that shot. Will you be pursuing the toughest game in North America? I have tried many different methods for reducing the recoil of cartridges that are too powerful. Even with foam earplugs or earmuffs, the sound can still be loud enough to make ears ring. This is a fantastic table, as I am in the market for a new rifle to use out west on elk and deer. For example, in 1958 Winchester announced the .338 Winchester Magnum (for the Model 70 rifle), which was the .300 H&H Magnum case shortened, blown out with a 25-degree shoulder and necked to accept .338-inch bullets. Why? I want this to be perfect. Mag. 33 Nosler 250gr Partition Trophy Grade Ammunition, 33 Nosler 300gr Custom Competition Match Grade Ammunition, 33 Nosler 225gr AccuBond Trophy Grade Ammunition, 33 Nosler 265gr AccuBond Trophy Grade Long Range Ammunition. Nosler is also offering rifles chambered in the .33 Nosler in its Liberty and Heritage lines, with the first rifle being the M48 Western. I have a 30.06 savage axis and need to reduce recoil. A silencer can reduce a firearms recoil up to 45% while also making the gunshot quieter. Brakes are loud and some folks cant stand them but theres little question that they work. Remove from Compare Add to Compare. The 7mm Remington Mag generates significant recoil of 22.15 ft-lbs at 13.32 fps. Even with a heavy-for-caliber 250-grain bullet one can achieve 2850 fps of velocity with this cartridge. Doug. Shilen barrels are stress relieved and threaded either 1/2x28 or 5/8x24 in lengths of 22 or 24 inches . They also played a vital role in introducing .338-caliber cartridges to shooters and hunters around the world and filled the obvious performance gap between the .30- and .375-caliber magnum cartridges. The .28 Nosler is basically only appropriate for the biggest game in North America. The success of the 26 Nosler led to an expansion in the lineup and now we have the 28 Nosler (7mm), 30 Nosler (.30 caliber), and the .33 Nosler (.338) to choose from. IE 450 Bushmaster, .458 SOCOM, etc. It produces 28.27 ft-lbs of recoil energy at a velocity of 14.72 fps. 8. The .308 Winchester has a bullet diameter of .308, a case length of 2.015, and an overall length of 2.8. Disclaimer: Sportsman's Warehouse assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions of the information on this page. Nosler will be offering their complete line of M48 rifles in the .27 Nosler chambering. It is the third cartridge designed by Nosler. The .28 Nosler is a more select cartridge, and while it isnt difficult to find, it wont be quite as readily available. The .28 Nosler produces a sharp, powerful recoil which most shooters find to be too much unless they shoot with a muzzle break or suppressor. Nosler M48 Long-Range Carbon Bolt 33 Nosler 26 3+1 Carbon Fiber MCS Elite Midnight Camo Stock Sniper $ OUT OF STOCK. X-Vision Optics long-range ImpactThermal Scope (TS300) boasts a 640 x 480 thermal sensor that can detect big game well past 3,000 yards. The trouble with this formula is that most people dont know the powder charge unless they hand load their own ammunition, and all of the other number depend on several factors. but this was a crazy amount of work even without adding more calibers to it. The most common method that shooters choose is to simply add a muzzle brake. I think youre a natural at this Jim How about the 450 Marlin? The .33 Nosler would be an absolute hammer on large African plains game including eland, zebra, wildebeest and kudu. The .28 Nosler has a bullet diameter of .22, a case length of 1.76, and an overall length of 2.26. The choice of caliber will really come down to your needs. Its nice to have an updated chart with modern calibers! I want to clarify though, that the .300 win mag and .338 win mag have exactly the same free recoil energy, with the .300 having a higher velocity and therefore a higher felt recoil? The same is true with guns. Your rifle is your most important hunting tool, and knowing how to properly clean and store it when hunting season comes to a close is critical in keeping it in tip-top shape. Just seeing a list of recoil numbers is helpful, but it can still be difficult to know what that feels like in reality. The CDS (Custom Dial System) can be custom tailored at no cost to correspond with the precise ballistics of a given load to compensate for bullet drop. I was hoping that you might be able to help me on a recoil question if you have the same weight gun at 8.25lbs or 10.25 lbs with scope on one is a weatherby 300 mag and the other is a weatherby 30-378 what would there recoil numbers be I know that the 30-378 would be higher but didnt know the exact difference and both guns would be shooting 180gr ammo 300 mag muzzle velocity would be 3250fps and the 30-378 muzzle velocity would be 3450 fps. This formula relies on the formula for recoil velocity, which is simply (Bullet Weight In Grains * Muzzle Velocity in FPS + Powder Charge in Grains * Muzzle Velocity * 1.75)/(7000 * Rifle Weight in Pounds). You have the 300 Weatherby as having less recoil than the 300 Win mag. When you have to hike a mile to close 200 yds, will you? The .28 Nosler shares the same overall cartridge length of 84.8mm (3.340in) as the .26 Nosler which allows it to be chambered in standard-length action. Are you ever going to do a recoil table on muzzle loaders, inline rifles, percussion cap, flintlocks, i moved away from cartridge rifles to front stuffers to tailor loads to be light but there is almost zero info about black powder and recoil. Hope yall enjoy it! Short Belted and .334 O.K.H. Hopefully, the following comparison of some of the most popular cartridges today will be helpful. You earned it for running down this rabbit hole in such beautiful detail. Christensen Arms. I have considerable respect for the capabilities of this caliber. It is implied, but you're right in that it should have been emphasized . My experience with a variety of .338 cartridges began in the 1970s, which in the decades since has included all the abovementioned cartridges, as well as several proprietary and wildcat variants. The .28 Nosler will often be chambered in more expensive precision hunting rifles, but there is a good selection of .28 Nosler rifles despite the less available ammunition. I see sportsmans guide pulled down the plagiarized article from their site. Chamberings will include .223 Rem., 6BR, 6 DASHER, 6 Creedmoor, 6.5 Creedmoor, 6.547 Lapua and .308 Win. The .33 Nosler is a .33-caliber (.338in; 8.6mm), rebated-rim centerfire rifle cartridge designed by Nosler. Although it became popular for woods and timber hunting, it was not a long-range powerhouse for large game, as it shared a trajectory similar to the .30-30 Winchester. Thanks Jim. The name .33 Nosler refers to the first two digits in the caliber (0.338in; 8.6mm) of the bullets that the cartridge fires and the name of the company which created it. We updated a few numbers in the chart but forgot to update the text. If you arent dedicated to significantly longer range accuracy, the .308 Winchester can fit most of your needs with the right load in a more affordable package. In general, most large-bodied and experienced adult shooters can comfortably shoot a rifle with a recoil velocity of under 13.5 fps without developing a flinch. A Quick Guide to Understanding Free Recoil Energy. Your email address will not be published. Earlier I was getting 3025 fps with the 225gr nosler E-tip with 84 gr 4831sc. As mentioned, though, there are other good options that are similarly situated for light recoil hunting capabilities. I also think it rules out a lot of fine cartridges that I have seen people use very effectively. The 338 Norma Mag has 12 gr more case h20 capacity over the 33 Nosler in a case length only .032" longer, the beefier 338 Norma case when improved adds an additional 10 gr and drives the 325 gr Chinchaga bullets at 2725 fps, 300 gr Berger OTM at 2860 fps, 285 gr ELD Match at 3050 fps, and the 265 gr Barnes LRX at 3100 fps. There are so many new and revived calibers, that it was becoming overwhelming and now you have shared data! Shooter's Pro Shop is the only authorized dealer of Nosler Factory Seconds and Over-Runs including Nosler product lines such as SSA, Noveske and Varmageddon. When taking game at longer distances, the .338 magnums boast considerable downrange energy that produce reliable results. The .33 Nosler is Nosler's fourth cartridge following its predecessors the .26 Nosler which was released in 2014, the .28 Nosler which was released in 2015, and the .30 Nosler which was released in 2016. Introduced in 2016 (production release 2017), the .33 Nosler is a SAAMI approved and standardized cartridge. One could even make the case that heading into dangerous game country to hunt non-dangerous game warrants a big gun with big bullets in-case of an unintentional encounter. I would love to see a Googlesheets or Excel version where you can turn off cartridges (many of which I will never use/have) to slim down the table. Contributor Brad Fenson takes to the grill, to cook up some delicious venison burgers. Regardless, the rifle and cartridge proved accurate for any reasonable field application. The higher magnification settings make it suitable for taking game in open country where longer shots can be expected. He was on the ground within five seconds of the first shot and never took a step. The new movement (some say fad) began with the standard, reach out and touch someone cartridges such as the .308, .30-06, 7mm Remington Magnum, and .300 Winchester Magnum. I have spent literally hundreds of hours collecting the information in this blog post. That being said, the two cartridges are very similar and whether felt recoil is more in one cartridge or the other is more about rifle design than cartridge design. The same goes for hunters heading north into Canada or Alaska for moose or the big bears. If you want to go between larger game and deer, the .308 Winchester might have a bit more versatility without blasting your smaller game to pieces. The name .30 Nosler refers to the first two digits in the caliber (0.308in; 7.62mm) of the bullets that the cartridge fires and the name of the company which created it. One of the most prominent differences between the two is that the 28 Nosler fires a bullet diameter of 7mm or 0.284" while the 300 PRC fires the . In exchange, the .308 Winchester gives a lighter recoil. They work on grizzlies at close range but can reach out to put down a wounded moose at long range.. He was an old one, his hide was stained black from the wallow and his thick antlers carried their mass the length of his main beams. Though 225Grain is a bullet weight that my 338/26-Nosler shines at., Did a wonderful job but forgot the 250 & 300 savage. To comply with the new e-Privacy directive, we need to ask for your consent to set the cookies. Thanks so much for this! I wouldnt mind hunting but not sure how to start. Several four-shot groups were fired. Hi Jim, Then, look in the three right columns to make sure it has enough power to kill the animal youre hunting. Copyright 2023Sportsman's Warehouse. The.243 Winchesters recoil produces 9.22 ft-lbs of energy at a recoil velocity of 8.48 fps. I would support you. The 33 Nosler is capable of propelling a 225gr AccuBond at 3025 fps and the brand new 265gr AccuBond Long Range at 2775 fps. [9] The .26 Nosler, when loaded with 8.4g (129gr) AccuBond Long Range very-low-drag bullets, retains as much velocity at 370m (400yd) as the .260 Remington produces at the muzzle. What is your rationale for momentum of powder charge = mass X 1.75 X muzzle velocity? An additional method to reduce the recoil of a firearm is to use downloaded rounds. Just because I am curious for the <5% that might take an animal greater than 500 yards, did you happen to extrapolate FPS and ft. lbs of energy out to 1,000 yards? I just wanted to say thanks. Ballistically, the 30 Nosler is going to win most of the time at the expense of a relatively small amount of extra powder and barrel life. [16], According to a recent Nosler publication the .33 Nosler surpasses the velocity of the .338 Lapua Magnum by 25fps while burning 18% less powder. Thats the way we should feel about humanely taking deer. The 6.5 PRC generates 16.27 ft-lbs of energy at a recoil velocity of 11.19 fps. Many smaller-bodied or inexperienced adult shooters begin to experience flinch at approximately 11.75 fps of recoil velocity. Heres how to avoid the poseurs and choose the right one. With the recoil data, I opted for 6.5 creedmoor as one my wife could be able to use comfortably to protect her animals from predators. Using my Howa Alpine Mountain rifle in 308 win. I have no idea where you sourced all of this information but, this is very impressive and extremely helpful. The bore was then cleaned after every three shots for the next 15 shots. The case diameter and taper resemble those of the 6.8mm Remington SPC; so Nosler recommends using a magazine designed for that cartridge. Is it affordable? This means that the momentum of a rifle's reaction will exactly equal the momentum of the bullet and powder gasses ejected from the barrel. . With a brake, however, the .33 is quite manageable to shootpleasant, even. Using preproduction ammunition, muzzle velocity averaged 3,099 fps from the 26-inch barrel of the Nosler Model 48 Patriot rifle. His chestnut face had the trademark forehead hump of a big, mature bull. My preferred method for reducing recoil is using a silencer (suppressor, if you will). Now that truck creeps forward and pushes your shoulder at a speed of 2 inches per second. With that, there was mention that for deer the cartridge should have Hornady HITS ranking of at least 500 and for elk 900.
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