Find local administrative orders and rules Quarterly Court Calendars District Court Calendar: January - March 2023 (revised) District Court Calendar: April - June 2023 Interpreter Schedule none at this time Civil Calendars Criminal Calendars Henderson County Contact Directory View the general schedule of hearings for Carson City Justice & Municipal Court Department 2. - The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ), the nation's oldest and largest judicial membership organization, announces that it received a record $16.7 million in awards and grants for the 2022-2023 fiscal year, which includes 51 new and continuing awards. Tuesday, March 7 Wednesday, March 8 Thursday, March 9 Tuesday, March 14 Wednesday, March 15 The District Court is comprised of 16 Departments. UPDATED 3.3.23 - Countywide Courthouse Delayed Start: Nevada City Courthouse - Historic Courthouse and Annex, Nevada City Self-Help Center & Law Library, Truckee Courthouse - Joseph Government Center, Administrative Records (Not Case Related), Executive Order 205 - Masking Policy Update, Letter from Judges Regarding Nevada City Courthouse Project. Clark County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Also on July 6, the clerk's office filing drop box. The recipients of the phone calls are told that they did not respond to a subpoena, and they need to post a bond or turn themselves into the Tahoe City Courthouse. Miller v. Republic Silver State Disposal, Inc. Allan v. Progressive Northern Insurance Company, Herndon v. The State of Nevada ex rel NDOC et al, POS Investements, LLC v. Citimortgage, Inc. et al, Spekulation Orphan Relief Trust, a Nevada trust v. NewRez LLC et al, Keolis Transit America, Inc. v. Teamsters Union, Local 533, Cuddy v. Starbucks Corporation DBA Starbucks Coffee Company, Saticoy Bay LLC Series 4119 Demoline Circle Trust v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Calendar. Department Calendars | Superior Court of California | County of Nevada UPDATED 3.3.23 - Countywide Courthouse Delayed Start: Nevada City and Truckee courthouses will open at 9am on 3/3/23. Douglas County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. 333 Las Vegas Blvd South Massie et al. Community Relations and Public Information, Cooperative Extension (University of Nevada), Douglas County Mosquito Abatement District, Douglas County Standard Construction Details, Adding/Removing Someone from my Deed/Title, Kahle Community Center Improvement Project, North Kingsbury Trailhead Site Improvement Project, Douglas County Community Center Climbing Wall, Cave Rock Water System Improvement Project, 2021/22 Douglas County Paver Improvement Project, Topaz Lake Boat Ramp Improvements Project, Request for Proposals for Professional Services, Walley's Well Replacement Project Phase 2, Tahoe Justice Center Boiler Replacement Project, Meridian Sewer Lift Station Advertisement to Bid, Douglas County Weed Mitigation Chemical RFP, Town of Genoa Improvements Project CMAR RFP, ZWUD Water Treatment Plant Controls Project, 2021 Paver Improvement Project - Materials, Update Douglas County Comprehensive Trails Plan, Johnson Lane Park Storage Building Project, Request For Proposals For Grant Writing Services, RFP Airport Operations and Management Services. For the best user experience on this website, you should update your browser ( Internet Explorer , Chrome , Firefox or Safari) View the current day's calendar of cases in Washoe County District Court by judge, time, case number, description, event outcome, and location. District Court Learn about District Court CASA Third Judicial District Court; Child Support; Dayton Justice Court; LAKE COUNTY, Calif. - A man convicted of brutally stabbing to death an elderly Lucerne resident in 1977 was denied parole again during a hearing this week. Nevada County Sheriff's Office Jail Media Report: Friday, March 3, 2023 Return to Justice Reports main page Enter Report Date (up to a 30 day history is available) End Date Calendar: X then . View All /QuickLinks.aspx. View Pahrump Justice Court calendars by court department. Department 1; Department 2; Drug Court; Jury Commissioner; Contact Us. To learn more, click the following link: Do not sell my info, Garland County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. The District Court Friday Probate Calendar List, Minor Guardianship - Person & Estate Summary, Adult Guardianship-Person & Estate Summary. Carson City Justice & Municipal Court Department 1 Schedule, Carson City Justice & Municipal Court Department 2 Schedule, Clark County Justice Court Calendar Search, Las Vegas Township Justice Court Calendar. Storey County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. In-custodies are on the court calendar at 4:00 p.m. to separate them from the regular calendar. The Probate Commissioner prepares the calendar and related materials for and conducts the Friday session of Probate. Learn about the functions of the grand jury and find out how to serve. All five people aboard a medical transport flight, including a patient, were killed in a plane crash Friday night in northern Nevada, according to an air ambulance company. : CV22-00835. To learn more, click the following link: Do not sell my info, Churchill County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. There is 1 Court per 2,842 people, and 1 Court per 205 square miles. View updates related to COVID-19. California Privacy Notice: If you are a California resident, you have the right to know what personal information we collect, the purposes for which we use it, and your options to opt out of its sale. Nevada Supreme Court. vs - Case No. Several are still up in the air. We use cookies to measure performance. What now. View department hours, calendars, and contact information. The court's Self-Help Center will not be open. Payments made by mail will need to be in the form of law firm check, cashier's check or money order. View courtroom calendars for Washoe County District Court judges. Phoenix Building COVID-19 Summary Plan for Resuming Jury Trials, NOTICE REGARDING TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF LOCAL RULE IC 2-1(c), SFR Investments Pool 1, LLC v. Newrez LLC, Mitchell v. High Desert State Prison et al, McCall v. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department et al, Trustees of the Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local 13 Defined Contribution Pension Trust For Southern Nevada et al v. PEGASUS MARBLE, INC. et al. 330 South 3rd Street Las Vegas, NV 89101, Location Hours: A+; A-Sub Menu. The source for visitors and locals Join the Newsletter . Calendar. Payments made to the drop box will need to be in the form of law firm check, cashiers check or money order. Available on (Non DUI/Non VC14601) Out of custody Arraignments; Private Attorney Pretrials, Jury Trials; Preliminary Examinations; Motions; Court Trials, Preliminary Examinations; Motions; Court Trials, Felony in custody arraignments; PD Pretrials, Felony In-Custody Arraignments; Felony Conferences; Felony Self-Surrender, Out of Custody Arraignments; Felony Post Prelim PTC, Law & Motion, Sentencings, VOP Arraignment, Felony in custody arraignments; Felony out of custody Arraignments; Felony Post Prelim PTC, Law & Motion, Sentencings, VOP Arraignment, Domestic Violence/ Custody Ex Parte Matters, Domestic Violence Ex Parte Matters Only; Custody Law & Motion, Domestic Violence/Custody Ex Parte Matters, 300 Juvenile Dependency Detentions/300 Contested Hearings; Court Trials; Family Law Long Cause, 300 Juvenile Dependency Detentions; Family Law Court Trials/LC Hearings/Guardianship Contested, Non-Custody Law and Motion; Mediation returns; Case Management Conferences, 300 Juvenile Dependency LC Hearings/ Family Law LC Hearings, Family Law Ex Parte; Family Law Court Trials, Ex Parte Matters; IV-D Law & Motion Matters, Family Law (non-custody) Law & Motion Matters with counsel; Case Management Conferences, Family Law (non-custody) Law & Motion with pro per parties; Case Management Conferences, IV-D Examination & Employment Efforts Matters, Ex Parte Hearings (Probate/Civil/Civil Harassment TRO/Unlawful Detainer), Probate Hearings (includes Estate Guardianship & Probate Minors Compromise), Small Claims Law and Motion; Name Change; Injunctions; Writs; OEX, Civil Law & Motion; Unlawful Detainer Law & Motion, Limited Court Trials; Fee Waiver Hearings, Unlawful Detainer Trials; UD Pre-Trials (after jury demand); Civil Harassment (Evidentiary & Ex Parte Hearings); Menacing Dog, Criminal Pretrials; Criminal Felony HTA; Criminal Sentencings; 1203.4 Motions to Dismiss; 1203.9 Probation Transfers, Jury Trials continued or Civil/FL, miscellaneous/ Special Set cases, Criminal Sentencings (Long Cause); Criminal Preliminary Examinations; Criminal Contested VOPs; Criminal Motions (Long Cause). In Arkansas, Nevada County is ranked 11th of 75 counties in Courts per capita, and 52nd of 75 counties in Courts per square mile. Nevada County gets a lot of visitors. The Nevada County Superior Court follows the State holiday calendar. OK Driving Directions The Humboldt County Courthouse is located at 50 W. 5th Street. Nevada County There are 3 Courts in Nevada County, Arkansas, serving a population of 8,528 people in an area of 618 square miles. In addition, the Probate Commissioner, as a hearing master, conducts Evidentiary Hearings of contested probate matters. NOTE: Have a question regarding a District Court file such as filing fees, copies of documents, hearing dates, or the filing of a document? v. Old Republic National Insurance Company, Garcia v. Lincoln Life Assurance Company of Boston, Van Zant v. Supreme Court State of Nevada et al, Wong et al v. Las Vegas Sands Corp. et al, Mission Healthcare Services, LLC et al v. Battle Born Home Health, LLC et al. IN EQUITY D-183: USA V. ALPINE LAND & RESERVOIR, Desirous Parties Unlimited Incorporated v. Right Connection Incorporated et al, Williams et al v. The Travelers Home and Marine Insurance Company et al, Jaramillo, II v. Area 15 Las Vegas LLC et al, Procaps Laboratories, Inc. v. GH Express Cali Inc. et al, U.S. Bank Trust, N.A. Individuals proceeding on their own are required to research the laws at the Clark County Law Library and obtain special forms from there or the forms library on this web-page. Calendar Wed Mar. Pursuant to Executive Order 205, appropriate face coverings are strongly recommendedat the Nevada City and Truckee Courthouses. Gathering people together is what Nevada County is all about. Nevada County There are 2 Courts in Nevada County, California, serving a population of 98,838 people in an area of 958 square miles. Saturday & Sunday: Closed, Consenting to the Jurisdiction of a Magistrate Judge. Confirm you are paying the correct court . None of the information offered by this site can be used for assessing or evaluating a person's eligibility for employment, housing, insurance, credit, or for any other purpose covered under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Search the Reno Municipal Court calendar by case number, judicial officer, party name, or date range. Washoe County Law Library. Its name comes from the similarity of its shape to the state of Nevada, only the pronunciation is different. California Privacy Notice: If you are a California resident, you have the right to know what personal information we collect, the purposes for which we use it, and your options to opt out of its sale. The Probate Commissioner does not assist the public in filing or processing Probate Petitions in the District Court.
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