Manns said the Owls will need a good team effort on both ends of the floor. Basketball coaches didnt usually wear capes, even in 1913. But Edwin Hubble wasnt your ordinary Midwestern coach. $('span#sw-emailmask-15746').replaceWith(''); Were playing better on both ends of the floor. The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. Admission $6 - Tickets will be available at the door, cash only We develop character, resilience, and critical thinking skills in our diverse learners for post-secondary success. Winning back-to-back means a lot," said Gates, who delivered 10 points, six assists and five rebounds. First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. On 1/10, the New Albany varsity basketball team lost their home non-conference game against Pickerington Central (Pickerington, OH) by a score of 59-46. One came on Senior Night with a 58-54 setback against Colonie, a loss Albany avenged in the semifinals with a 65-50 win. Come out for Senior Night, 1973 Team Recognition, and Coach Shannon's last home game. Tuesday 2/21 West Albany coach Drew Halvorson, left, and South Albany head coach Tim Matuszak have led their respective teams into the OSAA 5A boys basketball state playoffs. As a basketball coach, he led his team in an undefeated regular season. Several histories taken from local residents who studied under Hubble also show the girls were quite fond of the young instructor. Our bench play has gotten better. Upon becoming a Rhodes Scholar, the graduate spent three years at the University of Oxford in England studying law at his fathers insistence. Shannon is one victory shy of getting his 600th career win as a head coach. Basketball (Boys Varsity) - New Albany High School New Albany High School Home of the Bulldogs Home Winter Teams Basketball (Boys Varsity) Basketball (Boys Varsity) UPCOMING EVENTS View 2022 - 2023 Schedule Week of February 20 February 26 20 Mon 21 Tue 22 Wed 23 Thu 24 Fri 25 Sat 26 Sun Game Calendar Practice Calendar He is a former college athlete that loves to support student athletes in their athletic and academic growth. Mr. Richie Wildenhaus joined the New Albany High School leadership team as Athletic Director on August 1, 2016. New Albany High School boys basketball head coach Jim Shannon is very close to reaching a milestone. New Albany High School will ensure learning and success for all. The play was Magdalena in 1948, Performed in the opera Carmen at the Hollywood Bowl, Locally, starred in many plays, like South Pacific and The Most Happy Fella, Winner of the New Albany Arts Council Arts de Medici Award and the Arts Council of Southern Indiana Lifetime Achievement Award, Choreographed for Actors Theatre, The Music Theatre of Louisville and other theatres, Played basketball at Western Kentucky University and was on the team which was runner-up in the NIT, Track Official at the 1984 and 1996 Olympics and was Vice President of USA Track and Field, Member of ten different Halls of Fame and helped establish the one at NAHS, Football Coach (106-51-9), Track Coach (26 Sectionals) and assistant basketball coach, First athletic director at NAHS and was Indiana Athletic Director of the year in 1972, Member of Indiana Football and Monmouth College Halls of Fame, First classroom theatre in the nation to provide free performances for all students, Developed the mini-musical which brought plays to all New Albany elementary and junior high schools, Life time Achievement Award presented by the Arts Council of Southern Indiana, In the high jump, twice won sectional twice regional, once runner-up and in 1977 state champion, Holds the state record for high jump at 7-1 1/4, Attended the University of Alabama on scholarship, was five time All-American, and in 1980 was the NCAA High Jump Champion, Went to Milligan College, Duke, Notre Dame, and the University of Louisville for Naval studies and law, U.S. Attorney appointed by President John Kennedy, Legal counsel for Eli Lilly and Public Service Indiana, Navy Lieutenant with the Fleet Logistic Air Wing, U. S. Pacific Fleet, College president at Yakima Valley, Logan and Prairie State, Executive Director, Global Operations Public Relations for Ford Motors, Journalism professor at Indiana University, Developed and lead the Ford Volunteer Corps, Owner of properties and shopping centers in Florida and Indiana, Began the NAHS softball program and coached for 31 seasons, Graduated from Notre Dame as a Navy Ensign, For 42 years was an employee, president, director and Chairman of the Board at Your Community Bank, Charter member of the Mayors Prayer Breakfast, Fought in Spanish-American War and World War I, Attended West Point and earned the rank of Major General, Won the Distinguished Service Medal, the Victory Medal with three bronze stars, and six additional military honors from four other countries, On the 1950 NAHS Final Four basketball team and played at LSU, Track and Cross Country coach and has volunteered over 50 years for NAHS athletics, Associate Director of Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame, Senior Vice President of National City Ban, Winner of Chancellors Medallion from IUS, President and owner of Milestone Realty Group, Varsity letters awarded at NAHS (7) and Hanover College (3) in baseball, basketball and football, Developed Teachers Teaching Teachers to Teach, Indiana Administrator of the Year for District 8 in 1982, Founder of jewelry line still in operation today, Donated large amounts of time and money to New Albany after the 37 flood, Teacher, coach and athletic director at Hazelwood 1967-2001, Indiana State Teachers Association Vice President and local Presidents Award winner in 2001, Olympic swimmer at the 1976 Montreal Olympics earning a 2nd in 400 medley relay, 4th in the 100 butterfly, and 9th in the 200 butterfly, 3 Gold Medals at the 1975 Pan American Games in the 100 butterfly, 200 butterfly, and 400 medley relay, One of the owners of Melhiser, Endres and Tucker CPAs, Named a Distinguished Hoosier in 2009, a Man of Distinction by Community Action of Southern Indiana in 2010, and many other awards, Helped bring the MBA degree to IUS and taught in the program, Attended NAHS basketball games for 76 years both home and away missing only three games, One of the organizers of the NAHS Adult Booster Club raising money for all athletic teams and assisted the marching band with funds for uniforms, Sports director for WITZ radio and play-by-play announcer, Winner of ten sports broadcasting awards including the IHSAA Distinguished Media Award, Taught German and Latin and served on the State Board of Education, Chairman of the Republican Womens League and vice-president of the National League of Women Voters, 73 year member of Tri Kappa and held every office in the organization, Elementary School track, basketball, and volleyball coach from 1965-1985, In 1964, selected for the Womens World Softball Tournament All-Star Team, Member of the BPW Hoosiers Softball team which is in the Indiana ASA Hall of Fame, Spokesperson and lead plaintiff in the lawsuit against NBC to allow women into positions of authority and editorial influence, One of the Washington Press Clubs American Women Who Changed the Face of Journalism, Played on the only undefeated football team in the history of NAHS in 1954, Coached football, wrestling, boys golf, and girls golf, Athletic Director for 12 years winning the Athletic Director of the Year in 1991 and the Charles F. Mass Distinguished Service Award, President of Mutual Trust and Deposit Company from 1939-1961 and was the State Vice President of the American Bankers Association, Member of the New Albany Park Board, Floyd County Hospital Board of Directors and the New Albany Chamber of Commerce, President of the New Albany School Board on several occasions, President and CEO of INARF (Indiana Association of Rehabilitation Facilities), Member of Indianas Advisory Council on Exceptional Learners and the State Use Programs Assocication, Co-founder of the Bette Bennett Hammond Scholarship which has awarded thousands of dollars to New Albany students, Chief Executive Officer of Pricewaterhouse Coopers Securities LLC; co-founder and principal of Hammond Hanlon Camp, Member of many boards including Vanderbilt University School of Law Alumni and Graham Global Investment Fund Ltd, Twice selected by Scholastic Magazine as a High School Track and Field All-American after setting a state record in the 440, Received a Track and Field athletic scholarship to the University of New Mexico and was the Mountain West Conference Champion in the 440 in 1967, Inducted in the Indiana Track and Field Hall of Fame in 1978, 4-year varsity letter winner in swimming, 4-time state finalist, and set 7 NAHS records, At Indiana State University, 2-time NCAA qualifier, 3-time Conference First Team member, and set three school records, Swimming and Water Polo Coach of the Year winner a combined 139 times while coaching 283 All-Americans, Captain, MVP, All-Conference, All-Sectional, Regional, Semi-State, State, and Indiana All-Star while playing basketball at NA, Was on the Indiana University 1953 NCAA championship team and two Big Ten championship teams, In 2004 was inducted in the Indiana High School Basketball Hall of Fame, President for 14 years of the Womens Auxiliary to the United Federation of Postal Clerks, National chairman of the AFL-CIO Auxiliaries and 40 years as a Democratic precinct committeewoman, American Cancer Society local president from 1975-1978 and received an award for her years of service, Science teacher and founder of the Science Club, To continue education, earned a Bachelor of Law degree from the Jefferson School of Law and Juris Doctor from the University of Louisville in 1936, Educator known for tough classes that prepared students for life, Started the orchestra program for NA-FC schools and the Floyd County Youth Symphony, In 1975, the NAHS orchestra played at the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chicago, Awards include the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Arts Council of Southern Indiana, Retired as a Commander in the United States Navy, Serving the Boys and Girls Club of Kentuckiana, founded a club in New Albany, Member of NAHS Alumni Memorial Fund, Trash Force, the Senior Games and many other community groups, In 1971, founded the Thornton Oil Corporation which now has over 160 stores/stations in multiple states, Charitable contributions to the Speed Museum, the 21st Century Park group, and Thunder Over Louisville, Created the Thornton Way of business using team work, integrity, and respect, Began the Wrestling program in 1955 and coached for 40 years with 14 sectional, 6 regional, 3 semi-state, 1 state runner-up, and 5 individual title, High school wrestling individual champion, US Olympic trial runner-up, and Indiana University scholarship recipient, Inducted in the Indiana Wrestling Coaches Hall of Fame in 1974, Started the Case Methods TV Government class and taught AP U.S. History, Inducted in the Indiana Tennis Hall of Fame in 1996 and awarded the Ed Yarbrough Community Tennis Award, 34 years on the New Albany Police Merit Board, NAFC elementary educator/principal - 1913-1955, Bulldog Bus driver - 1951-1975 (+five more years at S. Ellen Jones), A fort is named for him in the Philippines, Taught American History, social studies, and psycology, Voluteered for many organizations including the Culbertson Mansion, New Albany-Floyd County Animal Shelter, Floyd County Museum, and Friends of Fairview Cemetery, Provided generous donations to numerous local causes, Graduated first in his class from Indiana University School of Music in 1938 where he sang in The Gentlemen from Indiana Quartet and played violin with the IU Symphony, NAHS Choral Director for 30 years and Director of Fine Arts for NAFCS, Co-founded the Floyd County Council of the Arts, Fifty year member of the Kiwanis Club of New Albany, Held weightlifting records in the Special Olympics in Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, and Tennessee, Received the ACR's 2003 Citizenship Award, While playing football at UK, was a member of the famous"Thin Thirty", Taught science and coached football, track, and cross county at NAHS, Was on the board of Rauch Industries and a volunteer for Special Olympics, Served Disitrict 72 in the Indiana house of Representatives for 34 years, Helped secure funding for the IUS campus development, Helped create the Clark-Floyd Tourism Bureau, establish the Falls of the Ohio State Park, and convert the Culbertson Mansion into a State Historic Site, Received the Distinguished Service Medal from IUS, the Welsh-Bowen Distinguished Public Official Award from Hoosiers of Higher Education, and the Sagamore of the Wabash Award, Estalished the honors math program and began computer programming classes at NAHS, Led NAHS to a State Championship in soccer and was Indiana Soccer Coach of the Year in 1972 and 1975, 1987 NA-FC Teacher of the Year, semi-finalist in the 1988 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science and Mathemetics Teaching Program, 1997 Chicago's Outstanding Teacher Award, Co-founder of the School of Visual Communication, Selected as the Kodak Professor to Australias Queensland College of Art, Griffith University, First round pick for the Cleveland Browns in 1963, NAHS 1958 Graduate and NA-FC Faculty 1977-2003, Awarded Anna Kathryn Hickerson Award for Diversity, NAHS 1963 Graduate and NAHS Faculty 1984-2010, Served 12 years on New Albany City Council, President of Harvest Homecoming Committee, Awarded Lilly Teacher Creativity Fellowship, Board Chair of The Summit Academy in Indianapolis, Served as Advisor to the city's Human Rights Commission and was President of Community Democrat Action Organization, First African American member of the Kiwanis Club (1969) and was past Master of St. John's Masonic Lodge #8 F&M, Assisted in organizing the first Harvest Homecoming, Member of the American Institute of Architects, the Inidana Institute of Architects, and a registered architect with the National Council of Architects, Authored Architecture of New Albany, Indiana 1899-1990, Was President of the Kiwanis Club, President of the Historical Society, Director's Board of Historic New Albany 1968-79, and founding member of the Ohio Greenway Development Commision, NAHS 1961 Graduate and NA-FC Faculty 1988-2013, First female director in New Albany Floyd County School system, Served as Director of Human Resources from 1988 until her death in 2013, Served on many different boards and committees, but was most known for serving on the district Multicultural Advisory Board, Served as an exemplory NAHS mathematics teacher for 30 years, One of the pioneers and most vital leaders of the girls' sports at NAHS, starting in the mid-1970s, Co-sponsored the Future Teachers of America while at NAHS, NAHS 1965 Graduate and NAHS Faculty 1969-2003, Started the girls' cross country team in 1979, Taught English and speech, and served as audio visual coordinator until 1976, Held the rank of department chair of the English department, Meet director for the New Albany Relays since 1977, He and his father were instrumental in opening Floyd Memorial Hospital in State Street in the mid-1950s, Worked as a general surgeon since earning his degree before he was 22, Served in the U.S. Air Force in the late 1950s, Head football coach from 1952 to 1974, still taught for 15 years after retiring as coach, Known as the 'winningest football coach in school history' with a 122-81-9 record, A section of Locust Street next to the school was named after him following his death in 2002, A scholarship named in his honor is given to a graduating senior each year, Among many accomplishments in teaching Orchestra, he became Director of Instrumental Music at all levels, An authority on Abraham Lincoln, he became the first and only instructor in Civil War History and helped establish the Civil War Round Table, Was made chairman of the New Albany Sesquicentennial Pageant in 1963, but died before the event could take place, Served as a B-17 radio operator in the 15th Air Corp, flying in 31 bombing missions, and spending seven months as a prisoner of war, Was president of the Rotary Club, a member of the Exchange Club, president of New Albany Country Club, and has served in many capacities as an officer of Valley View Golf Club.
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