If you follow our information and it turns out to be incorrect, or it is misleading and you make a mistake as a result, we will take that into account when determining what action, if any, we should take. Your employer must still pay your full super guarantee entitlements as though there was no salary sacrifice. ***Share of Savings: Salary packaging results in a tax saving for employees. If you would like to speak with a SalaryPackagingPLUS consultant you can click here book a time for them to call you back. Employees approved to participate in the Scheme may take a break of one year away from their position covered by the Award the Deferred Salary Leave Year. Eligible employees can claim food and beverage expenses purchased under certain circumstances, up to an annual limit of $2,650, as an additional benefit. This means you pay less tax on your income. To make sure we get it right, staff, patients, carers and the community are involved in planning and design. Drop us a message if you want to talk about working together, or just to have a chat - we'd love to help! Eligible expenses are packaged and paid to you as tax-free salary, reducing your tax bill and potentially increasing your take home pay by thousands each year. Clerk (Current Employee) - Broken Hill NSW - 19 January 2022 Very little regard given to well-being of employees. A separate position induction may be undertaken for specific professions or disciplines. As a NSW Health employee, the arrangements for your salary packaging are based on a 50% share of savings arrangement. connection to their country and culture. Flexible start and finish times subject to operational requirements. This includes either: The benefit you receive may affect your eligibility for: Your salary-sacrificed super contributions are additional to your super guarantee entitlements. I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy which can be found at, I am eligible to participate in NSW Healths salary packaging program, I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of salary packaging as set by, I understand and agree to using the Meal Entertainment Card in accordance with NSW Health policy (when this benefit is selected), I authorise payroll deductions to enable payment of my chosen salary packaging benefit(s) and administration fee, I understand that benefit payments can only be made following deduction from my salary, and that non-payment of salary will result in non-payment of the benefit if there is insufficient balance in my salary packaging account, I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to confirm what effect, if any, this salary packaging will have on any government payments I receive or are required to make, I acknowledge that any incorrect information provided to SalaryPackagingPLUS that results in a Fringe Benefits Tax liability will be my responsibility, The information provided in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, I am eligible to participate in The Salvation Armys salary packaging program, I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of salary packaging as set by The Salvation Army and. Salary packaging is an ATO approved method of using concessions available to your employer to reduce the tax you pay. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to confirm what effect, if any, this salary packaging will have on any government payments I receive or are required to make. Your employer will have to pay FBT on the value of the benefit they provide you. Average salary for Trivium Packaging Health And Safety Coordinator in Crawley, England: [salary]. Verified employers. Little support given by management and hardly any leadership. Salary packaging is available through accredited providers Maxxia and nlc Employee benefits Employee Benefits Handbook Recognition There are a number of ways that employees at NSW Health are recognised for their work: Health Awards NSW Premier's Awards Public Service Medal Long Service Awards Flexible working Members of the Strategic Executive Committee will nominate (Individuals or teams) who will be invited to join the Strategic Executive Committee for a luncheon to recognise and celebrate their success. To read more about how we handle your personal information, please read our Privacy Statement. Salary packaging Mastercard cards make salary packaging even easier. If you exceed these cap limits, you may incur an FBT Liability. There are various types of development opportunities available including training, conferences and tertiary study, and you can access study leave for opportunities that are aligned to your current role and/or future career prospects. Each staff member is able to select their own salary packaging benefits only from those offered by their Salary packaging works by reducing your gross salary by the cost of the benefit provided (which includes your share of the tax savings and the administration fee). Download MySalPack app for existing customers. NSW Health offers salary packaging because the benefit is shared between the organisation and staff. SalaryPackagingPLUS is one of Australias leading providers of salary packaging services to public health, charity/not-for-profit, rebatable and government organisations. If the arrangement doesn't meet the requirements of an effective salary sacrifice arrangement, you pay tax on the benefits as assessable (or taxable) income at the time you receive the benefit. The focus is on helping our employees to achieve their full potential. The Site Induction will introduce the work environment and is focused on pre-commencement and first-week tasks. At WSLHD we take personal and professional development seriously. When can I start benefiting from salary packaging? There are a range of profession specific development programs including nursing, medical and allied health that are run throughout the year. Salary package a range of personal expenses including novated motor vehicle leases, relocation expenses, and HECS/HELP debt. If you have any questions about the position or the incentives we offer, please contact the hiring manager of the advertised position. Permanent employees and their immediate family members are eligible to participate in Fitness Passport. REACH Patient and Family Activated Escalation, Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Patient, Hunter New England Training in Psychiatry (HNET). The GST-exclusive value of the car expenses is $10,509. I am eligible to participate in my employers salary packaging program. I work in Health, how much can I Salary Package? A salary sacrifice arrangement reduces your taxable income, meaning you may pay less tax on your income. The information for financial advisors page has been developed to assist financial advisors. These tax exemptions can be significant and definitely something to consider if youre ever considering employment in the public/non-private health industry. Important information: This general information doesnt take your personal circumstances into account. The incentives packages are pro-rata for part time positions. Based on 12 salaries posted anonymously by NSW Department of Health Medical Laboratory Technician employees in Sydney. Salary packaging is a simple way to increase your take home pay each fortnight by reducing your taxable income and therefore the amount of tax you pay. Onboard Finance authorises Maxxia Pty Ltd ABN 39 082 449 036 (Credit Representative no. However you must advise Centrelink that a portion of your pay will be tax free and you will have a reportable fringe benefit. Local recognition and reward activities should be a part of regular team activities, a way to acknowledge peoples contributions and celebrate their success. Your contract of employment should detail your remuneration, including any salary sacrifice arrangement. care for babies from 6 weeks old, up to Transition to School age, a nutritionally balanced menu which caters for every child's individual needs, a curriculum incorporates Transition to School, which is supported by the Department of Education guidelines, fully qualified and experienced Early Childhood staff. Under this arrangement, his employer will provide the use of a $35,000car and pay all the associated running expenses of $11,500. How salary packaging can benefit you You can take home more pay Features: Ready to get started? Need some more information about salary packaging? A flat statutory rate of 20% applies for FBT purposes, regardless of the distance travelled. FACS leave is available for a range of personal reasons encompassing family responsibilities, performance of community service or cases of pressing necessity. The Scheme allows employees to defer twenty per cent of their net salary for four years, and be paid this deferred salary with interest earned in the fifth year. Leave your details below well call you back to discuss your options. You can accumulate up to three ADOs at a time. You must prove that the payments SalaryPackagingPLUS will make are for legitimate expenses for FBT purposes. This limit reduces to $8,172 for items which incur GST. $90,000 - $120,000 per year. The actual administration fee that applies to you may vary depending on your employer. Salary packaging can be used for a variety of living expenses such as mortgage repayments, residential rent payments, credit card payments, school fees etc. Here are a few of the most popular benefits you can choose to offer your employees. Are existing Health Workers eligible for the incentives? ISLHD has five (5) key formal recognition awards: The SAVR Awards are ISLHDs way of formally recognising the contribution and effort of employees and volunteers in our Local Health District with 14 award categories along with the annual Chief Executive Award. A range of items can be salary packaged for example living expenses - bills, mortgage repayments, novated leases and meal entertainment expenses. Yes No Report This information on this page is correct for HealthShare NSW and eHealth NSW staff only. Read on as we explain how it all works and share some of the benefits that are available to eligible employees. They include voluntary health checks, flu vaccinations, a smoking cessation program, a subsidised gym program called Fitness Passport and free and confidential counselling through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Reporting and processes. Under a salary sacrifice arrangement, you should pay less tax than you would have without an arrangement. The Hillview Child Care Centre provides Long Day Care for babies and children of the general public, employees of ISLHD, and other State Health Care organisations. emergency department experience you will be supported in developing your skills, increasing your knowledge and striving for professional growth. Aged & Disability Support. click here to access the online application form. Hunter New England Local Health District (HNELHD) has worked hard to ensure excellence in the career opportunities provided to our employees, as well as excellence in rewarding experiences. There are a number of ways that employees at NSW Health are recognised for their work: For more information see Registered Nurse, Registered Nurse - Emergency Room, Care Specialist and more on Indeed.com I understand that benefit payments can only be made following deduction from my salary, and that non-payment of salary will result in non-payment of my chosen benefit if there is insufficient balance in my salary packaging account. Can I return to my substantive position or be transferred to a preferred location after the rural work opportunity? The employees remaining salary, after the deduction of all such costs, is paid to the employee in cash (i.e. The benefits replace what you would otherwise receive as salary. Quantum of Sacrifice/Contribution Page 3 Salary Packaging (i) By agreement with their employer, employees may elect to package part or all of their salary in accordance with this clause, to obtain a range of benefits as set out in the NSW Health Policy Directive 2018_044 Salary Packaging, as amended from time to time. Theyre the principles that guide how we create our teams, choose our leaders and build a company thats the right fit for everybody. Save. Some of the benefits you can include in a salary sacrifice arrangement are fringe benefits. Find a position you are interested in on our Vacant Positions Portal and apply! Some work categories are also able to cash out additional leave. Salary sacrificing is also known as salary packaging or total remuneration packaging. Newcastle, Newcastle, Maitland & Hunter NSW. Maxxia Pty Ltd | ABN 39 082 449 036. Salary Packaging Cards For NSW Health Employees Document Control Number 372 Version 2 (08.11.2020) Created Date: To support our new employees in their new role we have developed a comprehensive orientation and induction program for all staff, consisting of face-to-face orientation, induction checklists and mandatory training. If you are not claiming the tax free threshold you will be taxed at a higher rate initially. The salary packaging year runs from 1 April to 31 March (the same as the fringe benefit tax year) however you can start at any time. Job email alerts. Salary packaging is an Australian Taxation Office approved way of paying for some items with your pre-tax salary, which lowers your taxable income and increases your take-home pay. Salary package a range of personal expenses including novated motor vehicle leases, relocation expenses, and HECS/HELP debt. Please attach Documented Evidence of every expense you have selected to salary package. The morning session consists of a variety of presentations from staff on topics such as CORE Values, Communication and Work Health and Safety. If Meal Entertainment is selected, I confirm that this benefit will only be used for Meal Entertainment expenses as per my employers policy. The salary packaging policy set down by your employer offers a number of remuneration options that can be taken as a cash salary The project also includes new clinical technology and a re-evaluation of service delivery so facilities provide the best contemporary hospital care. WSLHD offers a range of vocational training packages, including qualifications in leadership and management, health terminology and project management. ( If employed by Any other employer or The Salvation Army, please click HERE to return to the application forms section to select the appropriate application form. ) These awards are for all the nurses and midwives that work within ISLHD, regardless of role and clinical specialty where nurses and midwives can be nominated across seven (7) categories. , which is available in the forms section on our website. We pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW, and acknowledge their continued You are free to copy, adapt, modify, transmit and distribute this material as you wish (but not in any way that suggests the ATO or the Commonwealth endorses you or any of your services or products). Salary packaging allows you to receive part of your pre-tax remuneration in the form of benefits rather than receiving it all in salary. To find a medical vacancy within WSLHD,click here; and for all other vacancies please visit our Career Portal. The total value of evidence you supply should be equal to or more than the amount you wish to salary package annually. a salary sacrifice arrangement where employee contributions are provided. The afternoon session is dedicated to completing Respecting the Difference face-to-face mandatory training. We want you to be ready to take your next career step when the opportunity presents. We are committed to providing you with accurate, consistent and clear information to help you understand your rights and entitlements and meet your obligations. The employee and employer negotiate a salary sacrifice arrangement for a $3,000 laptop for work purposes. You must also attach a recent payslip with your application. Available in Australia. We offer attractive maternity and parental leave options for employees who have completed 40 weeks of continuous service with NSW Health. Through salary packaging you can use up to $9,009 of your pre-tax income each year towards an approved personal expenses. And, as with other sectors, health workers can package as many FBT-free benefits as they like including self-education and work-related expenses and they can also take out a novated lease in addition to the aforementioned caps. We also provide manager training across the organisation in coaching for performance. This is clearly marked. Copyright 2019NSW Health - Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District. With the introduction of co-designed facilities, new clinical services and cutting edge technology the district leads the way in innovative change and offers a range of exciting career opportunities. Find out more by contacting SalaryPackagingPLUS! Payments may be made, on a normal fortnightly basis, in advance in a lump sum, or at the rate of half pay over 28 weeks for maternity and adoption leave or two weeks for parental leave. enter the arrangement before you perform the work, the amount to be sacrificed and any surcharges. SARA is cloud-based which means it can be accessed anywhere, any time. As a NSW Health employee, you are paid the salary set out in your role description, plus a compulsory employer superannuation contribution (9.5% of salary) and an annual leave loading (17.5%). Please enable scripts and reload this page. Nominations must meet five criteria and are nominated under the following categories: The HNE HealthExcellence Awards are a way of formally recognising outstanding staff members and/or teams and acknowledging the work they do for others, day in, day out. To view all vacant positions that offer incentives please click here and search for Incentives Offered. Each year staff with 10 or more years continuous service with ISLHD are provided recognition for their loyalty to the District. The partnership includes: Recognising our existing deep historical relationships in clinical care, education and research, this partnership enables a vibrant clinical culture, which embeds expert teaching and research in every interaction. The maximum dollar value of benefits that employees can 'package' without creating a Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) liability is $9,005 per annum (which equates . Our organisation has a performance appraisal system in place to ensure that everyone in the workplace is clear on what is expected of them. Credit guide for Maxxia Pty Ltd (as credit representative of Onboard) available here. We don't provide advice on entering or rejecting a salary sacrifice arrangement. The incentives offered are part of NSW Healths Rural Health Workforce Incentive Scheme . Make sure you have the information for the right year before making decisions based on that information. With salary packaging you can! Salary Packaging: is beneficial to most HNELHD employees and may increase your take-home pay! Work flexibility is very important at ISLHD and we provide our people with a range of benefits and conditions to assist with balancing the demands of work and personal life where possible. If you are a NSW Health employee and have recently received a letter from your employer advising that SalaryPackagingPLUS is your new provider, click here for more information. Disability Service Manager (Permanent P/T or Full-time option) Newcastle Hunter and Maitland Region. What happens if I receive family tax benefits from Centrelink?
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